Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Once again into..

Not that there are many reading this..ha but it is therapy of a sort. I am trying to load myself with ammunition for up and coming meeting with the unemployment folk on Thursday and it is a very depressing process as I'm sure many of you know.

Right now I want to talk about my process, it has been a long time coming and I'm still not sure of what it is that I'm doing, do any of you know what you are doing, if so, pointers would be of help but then I guess we have to all figure our own out otherwise it isn't our own.

I've been lost most of my life and when I think I might have a handle on life something else comes down the pike and throw a large nut or bolt and sometimes both into it. I have been reassured that this is "karma" and as a Buddhist I try very hard to understand and believe this and sometimes I actually make it however it's times like I am going through right now that make me wonder if there isn't really a very large bleached blond out there some place who I used to work for who has decided it's time to yank my chain and I don't mean the chain around my neck, I feel water rising around my ankles.

Actually, this concept make way too much sense to me and I suppose it is time for me to go do something useful so I can make the picture I've painted go away.


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