Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Once again into..

Not that there are many reading this..ha but it is therapy of a sort. I am trying to load myself with ammunition for up and coming meeting with the unemployment folk on Thursday and it is a very depressing process as I'm sure many of you know.

Right now I want to talk about my process, it has been a long time coming and I'm still not sure of what it is that I'm doing, do any of you know what you are doing, if so, pointers would be of help but then I guess we have to all figure our own out otherwise it isn't our own.

I've been lost most of my life and when I think I might have a handle on life something else comes down the pike and throw a large nut or bolt and sometimes both into it. I have been reassured that this is "karma" and as a Buddhist I try very hard to understand and believe this and sometimes I actually make it however it's times like I am going through right now that make me wonder if there isn't really a very large bleached blond out there some place who I used to work for who has decided it's time to yank my chain and I don't mean the chain around my neck, I feel water rising around my ankles.

Actually, this concept make way too much sense to me and I suppose it is time for me to go do something useful so I can make the picture I've painted go away.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Stange new world

Being an older citizen and having not grown up with computers but learning them as a necessity this is a strange new world for me. I realize this sounds weird to a lot of you but I also know that I am much more advanced than loads of people out there...blogging, blogger, to be blogged, hummmm.

The reason for my blog is this, I am trying to start an internet business and it was recommended by someone in the "know" that I start a blog to help promote the business. To me this whole thing is scary beyond belief but a person has got to do what a person has got to do to try to be free from the idiots who seem to run the corporate world.

My story is this, I have worked the vast majority of my adult life for people who have little or no compassion for the little guy just trying to make a buck and have a little something for themselves, like security, not a lot to ask for or is it? I have spent the last 39 years working for other people and the latest gig has me out of work because I was loyal to someone that other people didn't like. Not only that but because I have gotten to that certain age that I feel I don't need to apologize for myself nor do I feel I have to agree with everyone in authority, better put, kiss ass I now find myself on unemployment. Speaking of which, unemployment is now starting to put the screw to me about getting work.

I am tired unto death of being subjected to people who have a problem with their authority over others. Have you ever noticed that they are quite secure in their jobs so they take a great deal of relish in lay you off? My life has once again been disrupted by some twit who for some reason dislikes me, not because I was doing a bad job mind you, the twit just didn't like me.

Okay, I got off track and let the bitterness come out and I can't promise it won't happen again but for now, I move on. I decided after a couple of years of making things and trying to sell them at craft fairs that maybe I'd better try taking things to the next step, the net. Not only may I sell some things but if I try to write off business expenses on my taxes next year without doing this not only will the twit not like me but the IRS will probably come confiscate my animals.

My business is called Saha's Beadworks and it is "ho-hum" jewelry. To be honest it isn't something I choose to do, it choose me and it's been really kind of weird for me to have these things come out of my mind. After years of struggling with a need to make something beautiful with my hands and mind that contained color and movement and failing for one reason or another mostly my own insecurities, I fell across beading and making necklaces and bracelets, hat bands and other things.

What I make for the most part are things that I would like to have been able to find out in the world when I had money to buy them. I have always loved adornment, you know, jewelry but not the usual diamond ring stuff more the unusual things that stand out without costing an arm and a leg and say something about the person who wears it, like "I have a sense of style and I doubt that you will find anything else like this because it's one of a kind".

So this is what I'm trying to do, I am trying to feed my need for creativity, money and freedom all at the same time but I can't do this by myself, I need for people to see my stuff and like it well enough to buy it and maybe come back again and again thus my need to blog. As time goes on and I get the hang of this I will put some of my creations on here in case anyone actually reads these things so that you may see what it is that I make. For now if you have actually read this, thanks and I hope I haven't bored you with my every day life.
